Richie Brogdon

Division Chief

Division Chief Richie Brogdon oversees A shift operations. He has held the positions of Firefighter, Master Firefighter, Engineer, Lieutenant, Captain, and Battalion Chief. Chief Brogdon came from a volunteer firefighting background originating at the Dabbs Crossroads Fire Station. His passion for firefighting was ignited as he watched many family members volunteer their time serving Sumter County. He began volunteering when he was 18 and became a career firefighter in 1998.

Chief Brogdon has numerous classes in specialty areas. Chief Brogdon serves the State of South Carolina as a Fire Instructor delivering material from the basics to recruits, officer-level courses, and command classes. He is also a member of the following professional organizations, the South Carolina State Association of Fire Chiefs, the South Carolina Firefighters Association, the Pee Dee Firefighters Association, and the International Association of Arson Investigators.

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