How to become a vendor at the Iris Festival:
Download (PDF) and complete Your corresponding Iris Festival Application below:
- Vendor Application (Friday-Sunday)
- Please note: We do NOT accept information booth vendors. This event/app is for retail/sale of goods only.
- Food Vendor Application (Friday-Sunday)
- Taste at the Gardens Application (Thursday Night Only)
Equal Opportunity Statement:
The Iris Festival Commission is committed to creating an inclusive environment where all individuals, including vendors, contractors, and participants, are treated with respect and are afforded equal opportunity without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status. We will base all engagement decisions solely on merit and qualifications, ensuring fair and equitable treatment throughout our interactions.
Mail Application and all required info (Yes, it is required to be mailed, so we have a USPS postmark date). NO HAND DELIVERIES OR DIGITAL COPIES WILL BE ACCEPTED.
If your application is accepted, the fee is non-returnable and you will receive a confirmation packet in the mail with all the details required for check-in, setup and booth location.
If your application is not accepted, your fee will be returned.
Once accepted, please continue the steps below...
Complete SCDOR Form
You must have Form 111 completed prior to the start of the festival. Failure to comply may result in a $500 fine from SCDOR.
Our Events & Festivals guide is a one-stop shop for information on: Licenses & Registrations
Food & Beverage
Nonprofits & Churches
Get the full details at
File for City of Sumter Business License.
DO NOT wait to get this the day of your check-in. The City's Business License office will not be open during the festival's check-in process times. Call 803-774-1601 to talk to a Business License professional at the City.
The City's Business License office is inside the Liberty Center, located at 12 W. Liberty Street.
Bring all of the documents mentioned in the steps above with you, and anything mailed to you when you check in for setup at the festival.
Please, keep them handy, so you can reach them from your driver's seat, as you will need them to get into the gate before unloading.
- Entertainment Application (Friday-Sunday) - Apply as an entertainer.
- Parade Application (Saturday Only) *coming soon Apply to participate in the parade.
- Beauty Pageant Entry Application (Saturday, April 26 Only) *coming soon, Apply to participate in the pageant.
Thank you!