October 2022 Council Highlights

  • Thank you to our litter clean-up volunteers for coming out this past weekend for our Community Clean-up Day. We had over 200 volunteers that picked up almost 7,000 pounds of trash from our roads. We would like to plead to our community about the importance of clean streets. Litter blocks our stormwater drains and waterways and causes flooding. Litter stops businesses from investing in our community, thus we lose job opportunities. Litter can make humans and animals sick. This isn’t someone else’s problem; we all need to do our part in keeping our community clean. In the meantime, we are very appreciative of those people and businesses who do commit their time to help clean up our community. Join us on November 5 for our next event “Stash the Trash”…
  • The City has more projects ongoing, including:
    • Council approved a waterline replacement project along Washington Street. This line is estimated to be around 100 years old, which is part of our continued effort to replace older lines in all areas of the city. With the approval of water line replacement, the city will be updating the streetscape along Washington Street to include intersection improvements and paving, with upgraded signal lights, stamped crosswalks for better identification, new mast arms with timers and signal lights similar to what you see along Main Street in Downtown Sumter.
    • We are expanding the Birnie Park area, including additional walking trail space, green space, and signage along Guignard and Oakland, pedestrian access from Oakland Avenue and an expanded parking lot area along Purdy Street that will allow for visitors to safely and park for larger events at the center.


  • The City is currently seeking public input on the use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) This is a federal grant that we receive each year, with the purpose to improve neighborhoods and make life more livable for residents; especially those whose income falls within the HUD Income Limits and are considered low-moderate-income citizens. Upcoming meeting:
    • Thursday, October 20, 2022, 6:00 PM, South Hope Center, 1125 S. Lafayette Dr.
    • Tuesday, October 25, 2022, 6:00 PM, Birnie Hope Center, 210 S. Purdy St.
    • Thursday, October 27, 2022, 6:00 PM, South Sumter Resource Center, 337 Manning Ave.
    • Tuesday, November 15, 2022, 6:00 PM, Public Hearing at Council Chambers 4th floor, Sumter Opera House, 21 N. Main St. (enter through back parking lot entrance)
  • Citizens are invited to come out and participate in these community meetings in preparation of the City of Sumter, Community Development Department fiscal year budget process for the period April 1, 2023-March 31, 2024. Entry to all meeting places is handicapped accessible. Hearing-impaired persons may call 803-774-1649 for assistance. Persons needing an interpreter may call the same number for assistance.
  • We would like to thank the Poinsett-Bland Garden Club for their continued support of Swan Lake Iris Gardens. The club recently donated Pinckneya tree to the Other common names for this tree are Fevertree, Poinsettia tree, Georgia bark, and Feverbark. It’s a small tree native to South Carolina, and its habitat is on the margins of swamps, bays and streams, making it a perfect addition to Swan Lake Iris Gardens. It flowers in late spring/early summer. Just as a reminder Swan Lake Iris Gardens, now a Class 2 Arboretum, is open 365 days per year, typically from 7:30 AM to Sunset each day and always free admission. For more info on the gardens, contact our Visitors Center at 803-436-2640 or visit www.swanlakeirisgardens.com
  • Early voting starts Monday, October 24. Sumter County residents will be able to vote from 8:30 AM – 6 PM, from October 24 to Saturday, November 5. Locations of early voting are:
    • Sumter County Courthouse, 141 N. Main Street, Sumter
    • FJ Delaine Elementary School, 5355 Cane Savannah Road, Wedgefield
      • If you have questions, please call the Sumter County Office of Voter Registration & Elections at 803-436-2310.
      • The Capital Penny Sales Tax is up for a vote again this year. Sumter City & County residents decide whether to continue the referendum. Projects on the list next range from road paving and public safety needs to economic development recruitment, and quality-of-life initiatives, such as new and expanded parks, outdoor amphitheater and more. A total of 34 project themes will accomplish over 200 projects around the entire Sumter community. For full details on every project, please visit com.
  • It's Fire Prevention Month and the Sumter Fire Department is hosting open house all month long! If you, your school, daycare or organization would like to visit the Fire Department for a tour or view their firefighter museum display, call 803-436-2600.
  • While more events are listed on our website calendar at www.sumtersc.gov. Some highlights to the current community calendar are:
  • The Sumter Fair began yesterday, October 18, and runs through Sunday, October 23. Music, vendors, entertainment, animals, rides, and more. Fees at the gate vary and they do offer discounts for military and seniors 65 and up. Sponsored by the American Legion, Post 15, more info at sumterfair.com.
  • Halloween is next week and Sumter Tourism has created a new online map for all public spaces in the City that are hosting an event or activity on Monday, October 31st. Some of those include:
    • Trick or Treat with Sumter’s Superheroes at Crosswell Elementary School, held in conjunction with the Sumter Police Department, Sumter Fire Department, Sumter County EMS, Sumter County Sheriff’s Office, state Highway Patrol, Department of Juvenile Justice, Department of Corrections, Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services and Sumter School District.
    • A Community Halloween Trick or Treat at USC Sumter, from 5:30-8 PM. Children will be able to trick or treat through our campus buildings and our Fire Ant Cafe will have food for sale. Feed those kiddos before the sugar hits! Trick or treating is free and sponsored by USC Sumter's Student Life.
    • More events are located on the map as well as activities like Graveside Chronicles and the Terror Trail, both have events on Halloween night. For more details on all events, visit com.
  • Downtown Sumter’s Sip and Scream event is Friday, November 4, 2022. Stroll around downtown Sumter (with the undead) and sample over 24 red and white wines from around the world. Light hors d'oeuvres and entertainment are included with your ticket. Tickets are $30 in advance, $40 the day of the event, and are available online at sumtersipandstroll.org. This event is a fundraiser brought to you by Sumter Senior Services and the Young Professionals of Sumter, supporting programming including Meals-on-Wheels in the Sumter community.
  • Veterans Day is coming up on Friday, November 11. While city administrative offices are closed that day, we also have a huge celebration in honor of Sumter’s Veterans in Downtown Sumter. Starting at 10 AM that morning with a parade along Main Street, followed by a Ceremony at 11 AM in front of the Sumter County Courthouse and a veteran’s appreciation and meet & greet behind the Courthouse immediately after. If you are interested in joining in the festivities, parade applications are available at the Visitors Center or contact the Sumter County Veterans Affairs Office at 803-436-2302.
  • City Council meetings are held on the first Tuesday and third Tuesday of each month in the Sumter Opera House (enter through the back entrance off the parking lot). Public comments may also be submitted online anytime through our website at sumtersc.gov/council/meetings, or city citizens can contact the Mayor or their Council Representative any time prior to any meeting to discuss a concern or idea you may have for the City. For our regularly scheduled meetings, agendas are announced the Friday before each meeting on our website and include links to detailed agenda items as well as location and more. Our next regularly scheduled meetings are on November 1st at 1 PM and November 15th at 5:30 PM.